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Information Security Leadership Forum Interational

A Community of Today and Tomorrow's Leaders

Code of Ethics

Version 1.0 January 26, 2024

ISLF members and certification holders agree a professional standard of conduct for all disciplines within data protection fields is paramount to successfully influencing organizational leaders, as well as leading employees of these organization to ensure for the protection of the confidentiality, integrity, availability of sensitive information assets. As a member of this group, I agree to

  • perform my data protection duties with due care and consideration to all stakeholders with whom I directly or indirectly serve, to the best of my abilities and within the limitations of the direction and resources afforded to me by the organization I serve;
  • honor the confidentiality I am bound to within the sphere of my role with my employer, its customers, and other organizations I have professional engaged with;
  • not to make any false or intentionally misleading representations in the performance of my professional or community duties;
  • support and where opportunities prevail, facilitate the education of organizational leaders and other stakeholders;
  • perform my professional duties with my employer and serve in the professional community, void of discriminatory behavior or actions of any kind, either direct or otherwise, i.e., reverse discrimination. This is to say that I will act and communicate in a manner that respects equally, all professional regardless of race, sex, age, nationality, religion, or language. Additionally, I will not participate in any activity or event that promotes one class of professional over any other; each person shall stand and be judged based solely on the merits of their conduct, character, and quality of expertise; and
  • perform my professional duties in a way that promotes and respects the principles of a democratic society;

Filing a Ethics Complaint

As a founding princple, all members of the Forum should support each other's professional growth. In rare occasions this could mean filing a complaint. Should you witness first-hand, a violation of any of the ethical standards memorialized above, you may report such suspected transgressions using the Forum's online contact form. All complaints will be review and where warranted, ecalated to a formal investigation for review and direction by the Forum's Ethics Committee, in accordance with our Ethics Complaint and Review Process. Ethics complaints will only be acccepted and reviewed, where the complaint relates to an existing Forum member in good standing. The Forum will soon be setting up an online form to submit complaints. In the Interim, complaints may be submitted by calling our main line.